Diana's Success Story


My name is Diana, and I am a young 63 year old. In June 2020 I consulted my doctor as I was very concerned about my weight and just didn’t know what to do to lose it. My problem was that through very poor undereating habits I couldn’t be bothered to eat, so basically ate one meal a day which wasn’t always a good nutritious choice. This combined with medications, my weight ballooned to 99.7kg. I had become a recluse due to my weight, I hid from people and declined many social occasions because of how I looked.

My doctor put me on the OPTIFAST Program, explaining firstly that I would love the delicious shakes and products, and secondly that being nutritionally balanced, I could expect to lose weight and gain a much healthier lifestyle.

Oh my goodness he was so right... I love the products, mostly the shakes and I never miss a meal. It’s just so easy!! I have been on the Intensive Level (extended) for 22 weeks to date (supervised by my doctor) and I have lost 25.2kg.

My health has benefited immensely from the weight loss. My blood pressure and cholesterol level are under control and I may be ceasing medication soon under the advice of my doctor.

I am so excited and most of all proud of my achievement and grateful to the OPTIFAST Program for giving me back my health, my confidence and lifestyle. I have been consistent, kept my positive motivation, remained strong and had trust in myself and OPTIFAST.

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