David's Success Story


I had just returned from an epic trip to Alaska, Canada & the USA in June of 2019 when my health took a turn for the worse. With a BGL (blood glucose level) of 29.2, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes which required insulin injections twice a day.

It came as a terrible shock. My life suddenly changed and my quality of life suffered dramatically. I was placed in the care of an endocrinologist, diabetes educator & dietitian to manage my condition.

Within a short space of time I felt hopeless, like there was nothing I could do. I was led to believe I was insulin dependent for the rest of my life.

Luckily my older brother Chris rescued me! About 8 years prior to my diagnosis he was pre-diabetic. As a result, he thoroughly researched the condition for many years. He told me part of his strategy was to use OPTIFAST VLCD. He had trialed it himself and he lost weight, normalising his blood sugar levels. He said he couldn’t guarantee anything but it was worth trying.

I followed the OPTIFAST VLCD Intensive Level over a 6 week period and like my brother’s experience, it worked for me. I lost 10kg in that time and am delighted to report that today I am no longer using medication.

Of course, this was all done under my specialist’s supervision.

The OPTIFAST VLCD Program was part of the overall strategy to lose weight which led to achieving normal blood sugar levels.

I look and feel like a new man.

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