Which level is suitable for you to begin on?
The OPTIFAST Program traditionally begins with the Intensive Level, which is a very low energy, total diet replacement. This is followed by transition level Active 2 and Active 1, and then onto Maintenance. However, the Intensive Level may not be appropriate for everyone, and the Active Levels may be more suitable for the lifestyle needs of some.
When choosing a level, there are some things you need to consider. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a good starting point to finding a suitable program level, however is not the only information you’ll need to get you started. Any medical conditions that you have will need to be considered. Please speak to your healthcare professional before commencing on any level of the OPTIFAST Program.
You can work out your BMI using the BMI calculator below. This will then guide you to a program level that may be suitable for you.
BMI Calculator
Please note that BMI cannot distinguish between body fat, muscle or bone, and therefore is used as a guide only, and may not be appropriate for some people.
Enter your details below to calculate your BMI.